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SBYA Global had introduced the first ever Social Business Youth Summit in Bangladesh on July 02, 2014 at Golf Garden, Kurmitola, Dhaka,with the motto “Social Business is the future; Youth is the practitioner”. The summit brought together 250 participants to an emerging platform where youth across the whole country and across the borders interacted with the most intrigued and knowledgeable personals of Social Business. With a solution to the one sided capitalism, Nobel laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus came into sight to this summit to convey his ideology of Social Business focusing on the youth. The main aim SBYA Global is heading for is to help youngsters to connect with the real life hustlers who are in social business scene. The summit equipped with the resources in terms of both theoretical knowledge and phases of social business in reality. Participants there came to know about the dynamics and impacts of social business as well as the necessity of social business in current world. SBYA Global is going to organize the summit this year with more exciting sessions and plans than previous year.