Short Background of it/About

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The world is never at a static place. It is always facing new challenges along with it embracing new ideas. Among many of these world changing ideas one is “Social Business Ideology” by Nobel Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus. As the time is changing we are forwarding towards a more barrier free world. But no matter how globalization is enforcing to pursue equal opportunity for all but distinction between rich and poor is widening more than ever. No doubt about rich community donating to suppress the scale of poverty but sustainability is yet to take place. At this time of need Prof. Muhammad Yunus is conveying the sustainable solution for this ever precedential economic gap between people. “Social Business” where business is addressing a social problem and giving sustainable solution for people along with creating jobs, abridging gap rich and poor, making people self-dependent and what not. From hundreds of examples of Social Businesses changing fates everyday a Bangladeshi Social Entrepreneur named Shazeeb M Khairul Islam founded a platform to nurture Social Business ideas of young people and promote this concept in 2013, which is now called “Social Business Youth Alliance Global”. Shazeeb’s dream of connecting the young minds and communicating the concept of Social Business came true when 13 other Undergrad students from Bangladesh got inspired and decided to create the movement together. Being motivated by Professor Yunus and enthused by the continuous guidance of “Yunus Centre”, SBYA Global is now growing every day continuously connecting with youth from various parts of the world and promoting Social Business. Mission The organization’s mission is to promote Social Business and ensuring a platform for the youth to nurture their Social Business ideas. Vision Enlightening and engaging Generation Y towards Social Business.