Social Business Day 2016

28-29 July, 2016 Zirabo, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Social Business Announcement

We welcome you to register for the 7th Social Business Day 2016 from July 28-29, 2016 in Dhaka Bangladesh, hosted by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus. It is an annual event with the participation of international and local actors, corporate and social leaders, NGOs, students, and innovators to connect them with social business network to explore the concept of social business and their role in this global movement alongside leading experts in the field.

Social Business Day is organized every year to discuss and celebrate the groundbreaking idea of social business. The event also creates an opportunity for participants to engage in various interactive panel sessions and workshops to broaden their understanding in their specific areas of interest.

The theme this year is Can Wealth Concentration Be Stopped? This year’s event will offer several new dimensions as it will take place for two days instead of one for the very first time. This event marks the beginning of a new development in social business arena as it will inaugurate the newly-established Social Business Convention Centre (SBCC) at Zirabo, Savar, Dhaka, the new home of Social Business Day.

There will be another new feature this year. Countries which will bring more than 20 delegates are invited to organize a Country Forum. The Forum will exclusively discuss the potential for social business action program of that particular country. The discussion will take place in the language of that particular country headed by practitioners of different country.

In addition, the event will host several exciting plenary and interactive concurrent breakout sessions. Last year Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus unveiled his vision of ‘Three Zeroes- zero poverty, zero unemployment and zero net carbon emissions- to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This will be a theme of one of the plenary sessions.

Like every year, there will be a Social Business Marketplace to showcase the products/services of the most promising social business ventures and new entrepreneurs.

There will also be a Meeting of the Social Business Academia Pre-Confereance 2016, Dhaka on July 30, 2016, to prepare for our Social Business Academia Network Conference 2016 which will take place later in Paris at November this year.

In 2015, almost 1600 participants from more than 30 countries attended the event. This year's event will be as big or even bigger.

To register for participation at SBD 2016, please go to the following link:

Professor Muhammad Yunus invites you to join this movement to create a world of Three Zeroes. We look forward you to join us on this special occasion.