GISB project with Rahimafroz results in 21% increased yield and 47% decreased fertilizer expense

Profile Image grameenintelsb 4/21/16, 1:15 AM

Grameen Intel Social Business Ltd. has found 21% increased crop yield and 47% decrease in fertilizer expenses per decimal land, using fertilizer recommendation software mrittikā, after completing a project with Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Limited (RREL) at Mithapukur, Rangpur  (North-west region). RREL is currently operating a solar power based irrigation facilities in that location.


During project from May to December 2015, 4 farmers took the recommendations for Aman rice in Kharif 2015 season. The highlight of the project is as follows:
21% increase in yield per decimal: The average yield per decimal obtained after using mrittikā’s recommendation is 20.52 kg as opposed to 17 kg obtained during last year.

47% decrease in fertilizer expense per decimal: The average fertilizer expense per decimal using mrittikā’s recommendation is BDT 15.6 while the fertilizer expense per decimal was BDT 29.4 last year.

Please find the details of the study below:



This report focuses on the cultivation practice and results obtained for Aman rice at Mithapukur in Kharif 2015 season, using recommendations from mrittikā. The season end cost and harvest results of four smallholder farmers are presented in this report, which will focus on a few important parameters and the effect of GISB’s fertilizer recommendation solution ‘mrittikā’ on them. A comparison of the selected parameters namely yields, total fertilizer expenditure, yield to expenditure ratio have been done against the results obtained last year for Aman rice by the same farmers.
The details of the participating farmers are as below:



Season timeline and fertilizer application pattern:

Farmers applied fertilizers in 3 phases after getting the recommendation from mrittika:

• First dosage: immediately after seedling establishment

• Second dosage: at early tillering stage

• Third dosage: 5-7 days before panicle initiation (PI) stage)

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Focus parameters:

The following parameters were given primary attention to analyze the impact of mrittikā’s recommendation on
the cultivation and harvest of Aman rice:

• Crop yield: To capture the total yield received by the farmers, as well as the yield per decimal of land.
• Fertilizer expense: To record and analyze the cost of fertilizers required for the particular season and fertilizer
expense for per decimal of land.
• Ratio of total yield and total expenditure: To explain the total return on fertilizer investment and
the cost needed to produce 1 kg of Aman rice.


Harvest Data Analysis:
This section shows the graphical representation and analysis of the crop yield, fertilizer expense and the yield to
expense ratio.


a. Crop yield per decimal

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The graph points out the fact that the farmers had more crop yield per decimal this season using
mrittika’s recommendation than last season.


b. Fertilizer expense per decimal

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The graph above explains that the farmers spent more on fertilizers in the last season. However, in this season after using mrittikā’s recommendation the cost of fertilizers has gone down significantly.


c. Ratio of total yield and expenditure

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After using mrittikā’s recommendation, the farmers were able to get better total yield to total expenditure ratio, implying the fact that the farmer’s using mrittikā’s recommendation were able to harvest more of rice (in‘Kg’) for ‘per taka’ spent on fertilizers.


Highlight of the season:

The intervention with GISB’s e-Agriculture solution where mrittika was used were able to generate the below impact for the smallholder farmers compared to last year when traditional farming practice was followed:
• 21% increase in yield per decimal

The farmers were able to obtain 21% increase in yield per decimal using mrittikā’s recommendation. The average yield per decimal obtained after using mrittikā’s recommendation is 20.525 kg as opposed to 17 kg obtained during last year.

• 47% decrease in fertilizer expense per decimal

The farmers experienced significant decrease by 47% in fertilizer expense per decimal after using mrittikā’s recommendation. The average fertilizer expense per decimal using mrittikā’s recommendation is 15.6 taka while the fertilizer expense per decimal was 29.4 taka in last year.

• Higher yield to expenditure ratio

The average ratio of yield and expenditure obtained this year using mrittikā’s recommendation is 1.47 which is much higher compared to average ratio of total yield and total expenditure of 0.59 obtained last year. This implies that the farmers using mrittikā’s recommendation this season were able to attain on an average 1.4 kg of aman rice for each taka spent on fertilizer; compared to last season where the farmers attained 0.59 kg of Aman rice for each taka spent on fertilizer.



Harvest results: The table below gives an idea on the total yield and the expenditure associate with growing Aman rice this season.

After using mrittikā’s recommendation (This season)

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Before using mrittikā’s recommendation (Last season)

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