Social Business

Grameen Girls Go Abroad for Higher Education

Grameen Girls Go Abroad for Higher Education

6th September, 2013

One of most significant of Grameen Bank members' 16 decisions is the decision they undertake to educate their children. Through this decision taken by millions of Grameen’s borrowers, 100% of the children of GB families are in school. Many of them are going on to further studies and excelling in their chosen fields. In recent years, there is an exciting development that the children of Grameen Bank borrowers who have successfully completed their higher secondary or undergraduate study are ...

Preparatory Meeting for Garment Industry Transparecy Initiative(GITI) in Berlin

Preparatory Meeting for Garment Industry Transparecy Initiative(GITI) in Berlin

1st September, 2013

As a follow up of Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus a preparatory conference was held in Berlin on August 29, 2013 at the Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance on addressing the issues raised in  Bangladesh after the Rana Plaza tragedy. Conference was convened by Yunus Centre and the  Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance to organize a global conference to launch Garment Industry Transparency Initiative (GITI) at the suggestion of Professor Yunus  in the backdrop  of&...

 Social Businesses Get Funding at the 7th Social Business Design Lab

Social Businesses Get Funding at the 7th Social Business Design Lab

17th August, 2013

The 7th Social Business Design Lab took place at Yunus Centre on 17 August 2013. Participants from different organizations including Mr. Tapan Chowdhury, former advisor in the caretaker government; Mr. Abdullah Al Mahmud, Chairman of Mahin Group; Dr. Mahmood Hasan, CEO of Gono Shahajjo Shangstha; Mosharraf Hossain, Country Director of Action on Disability and Development; Hasan M. Mazumdar, Country Representative of The Asia Foundation and numerous other national and international NGO representa...

Yunus Meets Business Leaders in Japan and South Korea

Yunus Meets Business Leaders in Japan and South Korea

29th July, 2013

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus visited Osaka, Japan from July 26-27. Prior to that he visited Seoul, S. Korea on July 25-26.Among many other meetings in Osaka, top wealthy business people of Osaka met Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus in two separate meetings to explore the possibilities of   investing in Social Businesses in Japan and elsewhere. The meeting was organized by an international bank. A giant shopping-mall chain expressed its interest to initiate a discussio...

 USAID Signs Up to Join Social Business Movement

USAID Signs Up to Join Social Business Movement

24th July, 2013

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus and Dr Raj Shah, Administrator of USAID, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 22 July 2013 in a ceremony attended by high officials of USAID at Washington D.C to collaborate in promoting social business in various countries.A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has signed between The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Yunus Social Business (YSB) affirming their common interest in fostering market-based solutions to the critical social a...

 Professor Yunus launches $ 4.5 Million Social Business Fund in Mexico, visits Grameen Microcredit Program in Oaxaca

Professor Yunus launches $ 4.5 Million Social Business Fund in Mexico, visits Grameen Microcredit Program in Oaxaca

23rd July, 2013

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus has been on a three day visit to Mexico from 17-20 July. He visited Veracruz, third richest state of Mexico , at the invitation of the Governor of the state, Javier Duarte de Ochoa.The Governor organized an open air gala event at the historical spot at the port area where Spanish traders first set foot on the Latin American continent to give a formal reception to Professor Yunus. The event was attended by the mayors of various leading cities, members of th...

Yunus put among the Top Influential Economists by Wall Street Journal

Yunus put among the Top Influential Economists by Wall Street Journal

15th July, 2013

Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus featured as one of the most influential business thinkers in a new ranking compiled by The Wall Street Journal. Others in the list are Joseph Stiglitz, Bill Gates, Michael Porter, Thomas Friedman, Eric Schmidt, Richard Branson, Malcolm Gladwell, Robert Reich, Jack Welch, Niall Ferguson, Michael Dell, Howard Gardner and Jimmy Wales.The results based on Google hits, media mentions and academic citations ranked the economists.Tom Davenport, professor at...

GCU Chancellor Professor Muhammad Yunus Speaks at University’s First Summer Graduation Ceremony

GCU Chancellor Professor Muhammad Yunus Speaks at University’s First Summer Graduation Ceremony

4th July, 2013

Principal and Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellors, Chairman of the Court, Members of the Court and the Senate, Distinguished guests, Members of the staff of Glasgow Caledonian University, Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen:It is my great privilege to welcome you to this graduation and Awards ceremony.This graduation ceremony starts with a very good news.Yesterday the Principal and Vice Chancellor of this university, Professor Pamela Gilles, has been decorated as the COMMANDER OF THE BRITISH EMPIR...

Social Businesses Thriving Globally

Social Businesses Thriving Globally

29th June, 2013

Prof Yunus, international experts celebrate successes on Social Business Day When Prof Muhammad Yunus came up with the idea of social business a few years ago, many conventional businesses and economic experts raised eyebrows, expressing doubt whether it would ever work.Although the theory is yet to offer widespread successes in terms of actions, the amount of attention it has generated locally and globally — in developed and developing world — proves the anti-poverty pioneer has pa...

Yunus meets Leading Retail Company CEOs

Yunus meets Leading Retail Company CEOs

17th June, 2013

Nobel laureate Professor Yunus met the CEO's of top clothing retailers at the Consumer Goods Forum held in Tokyo on June 11-13. Professor Yunus was a key note speaker at the conference. He invited the CEOs of the top retail companies for a private meeting with him on the sidelines of the conference to discuss the situation of garment industry in Bangladesh. They had a hour long exclusive meeting with Professor Yunus. They briefed him about their support for Bangladesh. Prof Yunus elaborated his ...

Professor Yunus’s Acceptance Speech in the Congressional Gold Medal Ceromony

Professor Yunus’s Acceptance Speech in the Congressional Gold Medal Ceromony

17th April, 2013

What an amazing experience for any human being. All the beautiful words are spoken about me and my work by the leaders of this great country. I just can't hold my tears. All my life I was trying to tell people what I felt to be important. Trying to draw attention to my thoughts and actions. Today I come to this hall; I get all the attention I can think of. I hear the endorsement in the loudest voice, in the most powerful voice possible.[NEWS_IMAGE]That itself is the greatest award that I could e...

Yunus Calls for Minimum international Wage

Yunus Calls for Minimum international Wage

23rd May, 2013

Nobel Peace Prize winner Prof Muhammad Yunus has called for an international minimum wage for garment factory workers to shield them from exploitation. In an interview with the BBC Bangla Service yesterday, the founder of Nobel Peace Prize winner Grameen Bank said the minimum wage could be applied in all garment-producing countries. “Everybody has to have the same minimum wage. Bangladesh will have the international minimum wage. Burma and Cambodia will have the international mini...

The 5th Social Business Design Lab

31st May, 2013

The 5th Social Business Design Lab took place at Yunus Centre on 15 June 2013. The participants from different organizations including Ms Pauline Tamesis, Country Director of UNDP, Professor Christian Girardfrom from Asian University for Women, Ms. Naaz Farhana Ahmed, President and Founder of DWCCI, Shahnila Azher from DFID  and some other national and international NGO representatives, business leaders and representatives from the trans-gender community attended in the progr...

Yunus, AfDB launch 'Social Business'in Africa

Yunus, AfDB launch 'Social Business'in Africa

5th June, 2013

Prof Dr Muhammad Yunus said no one should be unemployed, no problem can remain unresolved. Africa is one of the regions with the highest potential for Social Business. He expressed his hope that Africa would be future source of food and energy for the whole world. There is no reason for Africa not to pick up the double digit growth rate across the whole continent. Dr Yunus was speaking as the keynote speaker at the closing luncheon for governors of the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) dur...

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