Social Business

Use social business to meet SDGs: Yunus

Use social business to meet SDGs: Yunus

6th November, 2015

 Md Fazlur Rahman [NEWS_IMAGE]Antipoverty crusader Muhammad Yunus has called for using social businesses to achieve sustainable development goals and transform the world in a viable way. “We do not want to miss this historic opportunity to transform the world in the next 15 years,” Yunus said in a recorded speech aired on Thursday during the seventh Global Social Business Summit currently taking place in Berlin. Yunus said although he could not make it to the summit because o...

7th Global Social Business Summit kicks off in Berlin

7th Global Social Business Summit kicks off in Berlin

6th November, 2015

Yunus Centre Press Release [NEWS_IMAGE]  The 7th Global Social Business Summit 2015 started in Berlin, Germany on 4th November to explore how social businesses can address each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were unveiled in September by the United Nations. The theme of the summit is “Creating a World without Poverty and Unemployment”. The summit is organized by the Yunus Centre and Grameen Creative Lab, Germany which gathers experts from private sectors, c...

Social business spreading wings far and wide

Social business spreading wings far and wide

5th November, 2015

Analysts speak at academia conference in Germany[NEWS_IMAGE] To many, the social business movement seems to be a concept that is limited to events and gatherings attended by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus and his millions of followers.But what is not too well known is that the new business model is increasingly being embraced by universities from countries with disparate histories and realities.For example, universities from Poland, which is a former socialist country, to the US, which leads capi...

Social Business Summit kicks off in Berlin today

Social Business Summit kicks off in Berlin today

4th November, 2015

[NEWS_IMAGE] Today, Berlin is considered the idea factory of Europe, a place where unusual concepts are born, where aspiring entrepreneurs from around the world come to jump-start their dreams.And, hoping to leverage this wealth of ideas to find solutions to poverty eradication and unemployment, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus has brought his passion project, the Global Social Business Summit, to the city this year.The four-day event, which is the seventh of its kind, will kick off in the German c...

The next wave of development finance innovation

The next wave of development finance innovation

26th October, 2015

Impact investing has typically been a practice reserved for foundations, private equity or venture capitalists, but a new crop of alternative investment opportunities are emerging that are bringing traditional financial institutions more into the mix. In practice they are merely slight variations to the everyday debt and equity instruments that banks deal with in large volumes every day. But these financial products add a development objective to an investment goal and establish a key link betwe...

17th In-House Executive Design Lab of GTT/ 125th Design Lab (Yunus Centre)

17th In-House Executive Design Lab of GTT/ 125th Design Lab (Yunus Centre)

21st October, 2015

On Thursday, 15th October 2015, Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT), signed investment agreements with Twenty Seven (27) Nobin Udyoktas(NU), who presented their business proposals at the 17th In-house Executive Design Lab of GTT/125th Design Lab (Yunus Centre) at the Social Business Learning Centre (SBLC) of GTT. The meeting was chaired by Managing Director of Grameen Krishi Foundation, Mr. Md. Ehsanul Bari. Also present in the meeting was Ms. Parveen Mahmud, Managing Director of Grameen Telecom Trust a...

Yunus Social Business Centre at Hong Kong University

Yunus Social Business Centre at Hong Kong University

17th October, 2015

[NEWS_IMAGE] Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus visited Hong Kong on October 14. He gave the “I CARE-University Lecture on Civility" in the packed Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The university has 20,000 students.Professor Shen Zu Yao, Vice Chancellor of the university greeted Professor Yunus as he arrived at the campus. In his 45 minutes lecture Professor Yunus detailed his views on how to build a sustainable world emphasizing that the present mo...

Grameen China signs Agreement to set up Grameen Microcredit in Shenzhen, China

Grameen China signs Agreement to set up Grameen Microcredit in Shenzhen, China

16th October, 2015

[NEWS_IMAGE] October 14, Shenzhen. Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus addressed a gathering of political leaders, top business leaders, and academic at Shenzhen Citizen's Centre. Mr Bai Li Chen, Deputy Chairman of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a top ranking national leader of the Chinese Communist Party welcomed Professor Yunus to China. He said he is a long-time fan of Professor Yunus because he is always focused on the poor. In China leaders don't use the word "poor"...

16th In-House Executive Design Lab of GTT/ 123rd Design Lab(Yunus Centre)

16th In-House Executive Design Lab of GTT/ 123rd Design Lab(Yunus Centre)

15th October, 2015

On Sunday, 11th October 2015, Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT), signed investment agreements with Twenty Nine (29) Nobin Udyoktas(NU), who presented their business proposals at the 16th In-house Executive Design Lab of GTT/123rd Design Lab (Yunus Centre) at the Social Business Learning Centre (SBLC) of GTT. The meeting was chaired by Managing Director of Grameen Shakti, Ms. Nurjahan Begum. Also present in the meeting was Ms. Parveen Mahmud, Managing Director of Grameen Telecom Trust & Mr. Abdul H...

Yunus addressed Forum of Bankers and Investment at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Yunus addressed Forum of Bankers and Investment at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

15th October, 2015

 [NEWS_IMAGE]  Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus addressed a one day Forum of bankers and investment fund managers on Inclusive Finance and Social business, organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong (commercial) University in their campus. This Forum was planned by the business faculty of the university specially to coincide with Professor Yunus's visit to the city. Some of the faculty members, who attended this year's Social Business Day in Dhaka on May 28, took the lead in organizing the...

Yunnan Normal University in Kunming China sets up Yunus Social Business Centre

Yunnan Normal University in Kunming China sets up Yunus Social Business Centre

14th October, 2015

[NEWS_IMAGE] On October 10 Professor Yunus visited Kunming. He was received by Mr. Ye Liaoyan, Chairman of Yunnan Normal University, Professor Yuan Yichuan, Vice Chancellor of the University, and high officials at their campus. They gave him a ceremonial tour of the university which was established in 1938. It has moved into its 2.5 square miles new campus only 7 years back. The university has student population of 40 thousand, 65 percent of whom are girls. Thirty thousand students live on campu...

Yunus launched Yunus Social Business Week in China

Yunus launched Yunus Social Business Week in China

12th October, 2015

[NEWS_IMAGE]  Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus launched Yunus Social Business Week, China, in Beijing on October 9. This is a week-long program taking Professor Yunus from Beijing, Kunming, Shanghai, Shenzen, and Hong Kong. He will be addressing government officials, business leaders, and civil society activists in each city. He will also address students at university campuses on social business and building towards sustainable world.At the opening dinner of China Yunus Social Busin...

Yunus Joins Ruler of Dubai in inaugurating the Global Islamic Economy Summit

Yunus Joins Ruler of Dubai in inaugurating the Global Islamic Economy Summit

7th October, 2015

[NEWS_IMAGE] On Monday October 5, Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus joined The UAE Prime Minister and ruler of Dubai His Highness Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to inaugurate the Global Islamic Economy Summit at Madinat Jumeirah attended by 4,000 policymakers and business leaders and finance professionals from 30 countries.Professor Yunus also gave the opening key note speech  at the Global Islamic Economy Summit. The Prime Minister took the floor after Yunus’s speech to inaugur...

Yunus Addresses Innovation for Cool Earth Forum in Tokyo

Yunus Addresses Innovation for Cool Earth Forum in Tokyo

10th October, 2015

 [NEWS_IMAGE]  Prime Minister of Japan Shinzō Abe convened a global conference on October 7-8 on Innovation for Cool Earth Forum in Tokyo. The Forum assembled experts around the world in order to address climate change through innovation of energy and environmental technologies including their dissemination. Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus was invited by Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to give a key note address at the Forum.The two-day Forum gathered...

Yunus Social Business Japan ready to be launched

Yunus Social Business Japan ready to be launched

11th October, 2015

[NEWS_IMAGE] On October 8 Professor Yunusattended a meeting of the members of the board Tomoni Corporation, a social business company established by a group of young Japanese entrepreneurs. They are now setting up Yunus Social Business Japan, a company dedicated to creating social businesses in Japan and outside of Japan, as a part of global network of Yunus Social Business companies around the world. Head quarter of this network of social business companies is located in Frankfurt, Germany. Aft...

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