Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program (TGMP) Earthquake Appeal

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Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program (TGMP) Earthquake Appeal

TGMP, Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program, operating to the hard-hit  earthquake area appeals for Emergency Assistance for  the Urgent Needs of Earthquake Victims in Southeastern Türkiye.

Our heart goes out to all those affected by the devastating earthquake that struck the southeastern part of Turkey and Northern Syria on February 6, 2023. The earthquake has caused more than 45,000 deaths until February 17, widespread destruction including the collapse of more than 6000 buildings, affecting a combined population of 12 million people, including 2 million Syrian refugees. In these trying times, it is important that we all come together as a global community to support each other and provide assistance to those in need.
The Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program (TGMP), established in 2003, a microfinance initiative in collaboration with Grameen Trust, originated in Diyar Bakir and has branches in many cities in the region that have been hard hit  by the disaster.

TGMP has a launched a global  appeal to support the families of  13,453 micro-entrepreneurs who are in the following provinces Kahramanmaraş, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Hatay, Şanlıurfa, Adana, Malatya, Osmaniye, Adıyaman and Kilis that have been hit by the earthquake----  out of 36,898 active micro-entrepreneurs in the region.
The team has been able reach out to  9,842 micro-entrepreneurs so far, of whom 722 micro-entrepreneurs are confimred to have died. Another 3,611 micro-entrepreneurs have not yet been reached. Of the 13,453 earthquake victims, TGMP team estimates more than 7,000 family members of the micro-entrepreneurs have been severely  affected as well as faced significant damage to their houses and properties and lost practically all assets due to the earthquake.

TGMP is appealing for emergency financial assistance to help the affected women micro-entrepreneurs get back on their feet and support the affected families who have lost family members and possessions in the earthquake.

To support the families of the 13, 453 microenterepreneurs whose lives have been ravaged by the earthquake please send your donations to the Turkish Foundation for Waste Reduction  (TISVA):
Account Name: Turkey Israfi Onleme Vakfi
Bank Name: Ziraat Bankası
Branch Name : Ankara Gaziosmanpasa Subs
IBAN USD : TR 36 0001 0022 1104 1793 0360 19
IBAN EURO : TR 09 0001 0022 1104 1793 0360 20

Information about TGMP
The Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program has had a profound and positive impact on the lives of many individuals, promoting prosperity and financial stability. This program has been instrumental in elevating economic conditions and creating a brighter future.  TGMP currently operates in 67 provinces with 97 branches, reaching more than 200,000 micro-entrepreneurs with the disburement amount of TRY 1 billion 478 million (EUR 74 million) in microcredit since its establishment, with an overall repayment rate of 99.7% as of February 2023.

Additional information on TGMP including financial and audit information has been provided in the link below  https://socialbusinesspedia.com/wiki/details/329/tgmp-appeal




 More Information :


TGMP Assured SROI Analysis 2022

TGMP's List of Severely-Affected (Turkish-Syrian) Microentrepreneurs

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