Field Level Design Lab for the Nobin Udyokta-NU program of GTT

Profile Image gtt 10/3/16, 4:54 AM

Today, 2 October 2016, a field level Design Lab was hosted at the Rohonpur Unit Office of Grameen Telecom Trust (GTT) under Chapai Nawabganj District. It was an open question answer session between the NU and the panelists where Forty-Seven (47) Nobin Udyoktas presented their investment proposals and shared their business background. Of them Fourty-Four (44) Nobin Udyokta-NU (New Entrepreneur), Twenty-Eight (28) from Rohonpur and Sixteen (16) from Shibganj, had their investment proposals approved and three were sent for review. The event was chaired by K.M. Saleheen (Manager and Social Business Coordinator, Grameen Telecom Trust). Panel Officers from GTT corporate office and unit in-charges of GTT also helped to conduct the Design Lab. This is the Hundred & Forty-First (141st) batch of Nobin Udyoktas.