Orientation and Interaction event of "Two Week Internship on Nepal's Social Business"

13th December, 2017

Yunus Social Business Centre, King's College Kathmandu organized "Two Week Internship on Nepal's Social Business" from December 9 to 23, 2017 collaboratively with Yunus Social Business Centre, National Central University, Taiwan. The main purpose of the internship was to spread the idea and exposure of Social Entrepreneurship among the students in Taiwan and Nepal, and create an opportunity for students to apply their skills in development of the social Enterprise. Students were placed in different social enterprise with a set milestones for both companies and YSBCKC, for which the team had to meet the compliance in order to succeed their internship.

The team started the internship with an orientation at King's College, where the details about the internship was briefed while the students also got an opportunity to interact with their entrepreneurs to discuss about each other's expectation. After orientation, the team worked in their assigned organization working on the project and milestones set my the company and YSBC King's College. On the last day, students, entrepreneurs and the two centre's coordinators shared their experience related to the internship.

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