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Yunus Urges French President to address Rohingya Crisis

Yunus Centre Press Release (20 September, 2017)

20th September, 2017

Yunus Urges French President to address Rohingya Crisis

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus yesterday met French president Emmanuel Macron on the sidelines of UN meetings urged him to play an active role as permanent member of the UN Security Council to bring pressure on the Myanmar government to end the Rohingya crisis. They met after the Head of Government Climate Meeting at the United Nation Head Quarter in New York where Professor Yunus was personally invited by President Macron. Professor Yunus thanked President Macron for supporting Bangladesh in the Rohingya crisis and appealed to him to put full pressure on Myanmar to stop the ethnic cleansing and violence, return Rohingyas back to Myanmar and grant them full citizenship. Professor Yunus briefed Mr Macron about the terrible circumstances under which 400,000 Rohingya refugees mostly women and children have fled to Bangladesh in the past few weeks.

Mr Macron assured Professor Yunus that he is doing his best and would contunue to seek a solution. President Macron personally thanked Professor Yunus for successfully supporting the 2024 Paris Olympic Bid. Professor Yunus and President jointly made the presentation before the International Olympic committee in Lausanne for bringing Olympic to Paris. Paris has been chosen already for holding the Olympic 2024. It will be the first Social Business Olympic games in history in colaboration with Professor Yunus. He updated President Macron about the upcoming Global Social Business Summit scheduled to be held on Nov 6-7, 2017 in Paris and invited him again to address the summit. President Macron agreed to speak at the inauguration of the summit.

Earlier Professor Yunus spoke at the Forbes Philanthropy Forum which was also the centenary celebrations of Forbes magazine on the topic of ‘how to remove hurdles from women in participating in economic activities’. This occasion is being celebrated as the occasion to bring together 100 living greatest business minds at a gala. Professor Yunus is chosen as one of those 100 living greatest business minds in the world. He joined other greatest business minds headed by Warren Buffet.

Professor Yunus is currently in New York to attend high level meetings at the United Nations, a celebration of Grameen America's tenth anniversary and to participate at a book tour of his new book "A World of Three Zeros"


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