Project Title - New Rifa Cosmetics

Title New Rifa Cosmetics
Design Lab 19th Social Business Design Lab (Executive)
Design Lab Project Category Shopkeeping
Project Type Nobin
Organization Name Grameen Telecom Trust
Project Status In Developing Stage
Location Vill: Chitoli Dokhinpara, Union: 14 no. Durgapur, Post: Mithapukur, Upazila: Mithapukur, District: Rangpur
Presentation File Download Presentation File
Contact Name: Mohammed Anwar Hossain
Phone: 01766664252 Organization: 95
Is Approved Yes


Business Name :  New Rifa Cosmetics

Shop location: Mohila Market, Mithapukur, Rangpur

Total Investment: BDT   290,000 


Self BDT 140,000   (from existing business)

Required Investment BDT 150,000  (as equity)


Scaling up with different items of cosmetics, bags, umbrella, imitation jewelry etc. targeting break even point within the first year & pay back period is estimated to be within three years.

Total Investment Cost

BDT 500,000/-